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Something I should've done a long time ago


Updated: Dec 9, 2019

Filler in case I turn it in late



So I wanted to make a car door holder for the controller thingy, but i realized it's slightly curved and at an angle. So after waiting for my caliper to get in I decided to separate the idea, instead of making it one piece that creates a balcony or hammock for the controller, I decided to split it into two pieces. That way I can adjust it along the controller, so like those thingys that librarians use to keep the books from falling. Making this wasn't too hard in Fusion 360 but coming up with it was a little challenge, because even if I had the proper dimensions the curves would be difficult to navigate. So making the decision to change it was a challenge

Additional thing, I decided to make a pi holder or tin, because I want to use my Pi for a project that also involves pimping my ride. :)



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