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So I'm sitting in the iHub right now and you just reminded me of this tweet

So like who assigns an assignment due finals week when everyone has a hectic schedule? thats just cruel and unusual

Sounds a lot like something Lucas would do.

I worked with Monty on this project, even though we had a conflicting schedules we both tried to do what we could. I tried to make a 3D pin ball machine, then transitioned to trying to make a beach where you get attacked by sharks. Anyway long story short, my brain is fried and I really don't care to give a single ever loving fuck about unity hub or the iHub, the only hub I'm interested in is grubhub.

Ngl, I'm just like really over it.


So, Monty did the VR thing because we had conflicting schedules, I was hoping to test run it but my head's too big and I wear glasses. He said the insp was Roblox which is like a design your own temple run thingy but I've never played it before. I assisted by recording him playing lol. My project was shit and his was better so I was not going to fight submitting his Roblox game.



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