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Journal Entry Tres

This one is coming in a lil late because I've been busy playing catch up with my classes. Up until Sunday, the group had a design plan laid out. The coding was simple but not everyone had the skills necessary to partake in creating the idea that we discussed. So, Jay was put on the struggle bus automatically. When planning the design I asked a lot for her input so she could have some contributions. Monty has some experience using phone apps to edit photos and pixelate them. We discussed this while Jay and Jake were at the iHub and I would use place holders while I worked on the program. The design was a room escape that was basically like the walking dead in a hospital. We had each floor planned out, what clue lead to where, what screen option would be a jump scare, and how to win the game. I had the screens labeled and the layouts, I just needed to build the blocks. But obviously that did not happen. Shit hit the fan, my grandmother passed away and I got into a car accident while crying about it. So basically I was a big ball of anxiety about a lot of external factors and I will be going back to counseling soon.

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