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Personal Profile/Interview


Me: I’m doing my hair for the first time. I think one of my biggest issues is getting clean cuts in my hair.

My Sister: It’s easy, all you have to do is hold the comb as flat as possible against your head until you reach the end of the line you’re making.

Me: okay you make it sound easy but whenever I part my hair and try to do it as straight as possible its never visible or a clean, clear cut.

My Sister: Well if that’s the case then get someone to help you out with that, I don’t know what else to tell you.

Me: You’ve handled my hair before! You’ve broken a few combs in it here and there, I have a list of products I need to buy but I don’t know if they’re worth it. So, I need to get the hair obviously, but what about the other stuff. You never needed it in order to do my hair, so I want to know if it’s really necessary and what type I should get. I think I need a rat tail comb, rubber bands, edge control, and a crochet needle.

My sister: It doesn’t matter what type of edge control you use, as long as your hair is straightened. All of them have some time of hold that should last you a while, but its not really necessary for your straightened hair.

Me: I don’t want to straighten my hair for this though. I feel like it’ll leave my hair dry and brittle for no reason.

My sister: well it’s just going to be nappy then because your hair needs to be as straight as possible for it to look neat.

Me: Okay then, I’ll just skip the gel. What about the other stuff?

My sister: what do you even need a crochet needle for? You’re doing twists…

Me: well, I’ve never really done this before and I read that it would be the easiest way to do it. I just want to have it as a backup plan if I can’t braid the hair down first.

My sister: if you’re going to do that then you might as well get the pink and green crochet needle, it shouldn’t cost that much. Ask the person at the register for it, they usually keep it behind the counter. For the rubber bands I would say any kind, it doesn’t matter. I’ve always used the black ones in your hair.

Me: yeah, I remember that, but you also used petroleum jelly in my hair and I don’t use that anymore. I read that using the black kind causes it to break off in your hair and sometimes melt into your hair like it used to do with mine. And that if you soak the rubber bands in oil before you use them they won’t damage your hair as much. I just don’t want to buy that if there’s an alternative that already does exactly that: the clear type.

My sister: I see what you’re saying, but the clear type isn’t as strong. If it’s what you want to do then go for it, there’s not that much in the price difference. What type of hair are you using?

Me: It’s called Free Wave Tress something, I have to look it up again. Do you think it’s something that gets frizzy fast? Every time I see a picture of it, it looks shiny and it makes me wonder if it’ll look dull quicker than braiding hair.

My sister: Oh, I know which one you’re talking about. Is it in a purple looking package? As long as you don’t sleep on it at night it should be fine. Otherwise, the twists will start to rub together, and it’ll look a little janky after a week.

Me: Okay, I think I have all of the questions I need answered. Oh wait, what about starting the twist? I’ve only ever done doo-doo plats in my hair and I’ve never really corn rowed it before! How do I start it off as a braid?

My sister: what do you mean? Just add a piece of hair and use your hair as the third piece of the braid. When you get far enough down the shaft, start to separate your hair either piece of the weave and start to twist. It should be fine, don’t worry.

Me: okay if that doesn’t work, I’ll just try another method that I found online. Any other advice that I need to know?

My sister: Make sure to get a rail tail comb with wide teeth, the skinnier ones will just break your hair off. Make sure you keep your hair

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