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Oh man, over all the class should’ve been easy but as a computer science major it was kind of tough. Computer science is like a math class with words, to learn the craft you have to constantly practice the new vocabulary that you’ve learned. With that being said I sit in front of a computer all night to do my homework and build upon my skills, and I spend my days at work also sitting in front of a computer screen. I also had a class that was a writing requirement where the paper dealt with watching hours of footage and reading testimonies on U.S. soldiers raping, torturing, and emotionally abusing prisoners. So, to look at a blank screen and put my own words in front of it gives me a migraine, just thinking about it. It made me realize I need to get better glasses to protect my eyes and sanity. Also, Wix is not user interface friendly, well not as much as other blogging sites.

Also, for Project 1 it was a bit of a struggle to write what I wanted to write about, you might think it’s just a paper but since it’s so personal and close to me I just feel weird seeing/hearing it somewhere outside of my own head! But it was something that was good for me! I tend to bottle up my important feelings but with project one I wrote it down and now I’m able to talk about a 5-year period of my life that I don’t like to even think about. I tried to keep my depression a slightly masked topic for the paper and not talk about my political affiliations because this is the internet! Everything is permanent, even if you delete it.

I really like that Project 2 HAD to be something you wanted actually to join. Otherwise I would’ve hated it like every other science fair that I’ve ever done since 6th grade. I really tried to do it on my spin class and how it made me feel like a part of a community but going to the gym at 6:45am made me late for my computer science class and to be quite honest those bicycles made me chafe, REAL BAD. I felt like an idiot right before entering the conference because I thought to myself about how I’ve been meaning to do something like P2 in real life, but I didn’t even realize it really applied to real life until clicked. It felt like elementary school when they taught us the scientific method and how we use it in everyday life without even realizing it. So English and science can be applied to real life, I’m just waiting on why I need to take Calc II.

Project 3 was a piece of cake. I was already taking pictures of my hair process, I own a microscope that I can use to view my scalp, and I love making memes! It was so easy that I didn’t even realize I had done most of the work when I was only supposed to be doing the pitch.

Overall for the class, I will be putting the money I spent on the parking meters on my tax form. I hate 8ams and I especially hate that this building is on the tallest hill on campus. The class was fun and the people were funny when they actually chose to speak up. I liked the Weight more than I liked I Was Once Miss America. I feel like my favorite text for the class was definitely listening to the podcast about the small town in Alaska dealing immigration. I was bummed that we didn’t get to discuss it when it was initially meant to be discussed and we did it on a day I wasn’t able to make it to class. A big issue I’ve considered when going into politics/journalism as my major and is that podcast. It’s one of the few reasons why I stayed away. An ellipse’d fact is not always true, you can’t just take the first part of a sentence and ignore the rest and say, “this source says”. Nowadays no one reads the actual source since we’re used to being presented the summarized facts. But that’s a rabbit hole I don’t want to go down. Overall I enjoyed the class except for the podcasts. It was hard to post them because the audio and pictures that iPhone uses need to be converted to be uploaded to Wix. :(


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